Vintage Great Turkish Rug. RR3283

$ 455

This is a Vintage Great Turkish Rug made in the 1960’s.

This rug is in great condition and is a great looking rug for your home.

This rug has beautiful dyes and is a nice size rug for any room of your home! this rug has a silky pile, but we are not exactly sure what the pile is. There is no wear, no damage, and no stains.

We shampoo our rugs before we take pictures and once again before we ship them. We shampoo all of our rugs and we do it the same way for the cheap ones as we do the expensive ones. We do not include these cost in the price, but sometimes the buyer thinks the rugs are not clean. Most dealers that sell rugs will tell you to have it cleaned when you receive it, but we clean our rugs before they are shipped. If you think that the rug smells or needs to be cleaned when you receive it you will need to send it to a rug cleaner in your area.

69 inches***  by  46.75 inches

***Add 2 inches to each side for the fringe

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    SKU: RR3283 Categories: